

A great smile and bite for life

We look at the big picture

We realize there is much more to a perfect bite than just straight teeth. 

If your bite is out of line, this can cause the muscles in your jaw to become strained and tired. In some patients, these strained muscles can cause headaches or migraines. Neuromuscular orthodontics focuses on the muscles and joints in your jaw working in unison to give you a beautiful and comfortable smile.

Come in for a complimentary orthodontic consultation!


How often after leaving a dentist do you hear from your kids, “when is my next appointment mom?” I LOVE this dentist office and everyone in it.


Fantastic staff! Dr. Wong has the best professional personality! He gets to know his patients and their dental needs!


Everyone is kind, thorough, professional, and accommodating.

Experience something different.

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Our staff makes going to the dentist an enjoyable experience.

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