Bad Breath


We have helped many patients alleviate bad breath. We offer many services that can help eliminate bad breath for good.

Bad breath is a common problem that can be downright embarrassing

There are a number of potential causes and treatments available. We all struggle with this even if you have great hygiene. There can be some underline issues that cause this chronic condition.


The best method to reduce halitosis is good oral hygiene. This ensures that cavities are avoided and reduces the likelihood of gum disease.

It is recommended that individuals visit the dentist for a check-up and cleaning twice a year. The dentist may recommend a toothpaste that includes an antibacterial agent or an antibacterial mouthwash.

Alternatively, if gum disease is present, professional cleaning may be necessary to clear out the build-up of bacteria in pockets between the gums and teeth.


How often after leaving a dentist do you hear from your kids, “when is my next appointment mom?” I LOVE this dentist office and everyone in it.


Fantastic staff! Dr. Wong has the best professional personality! He gets to know his patients and their dental needs!


Everyone is kind, thorough, professional, and accommodating.

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